9th Grade Honors English
Monday, November 26th:
Go over answers to THE TROJAN WAR Test
Combining Adverbial Clauses will be due today
Begin reading THE ODYSSEY: "A Son Seeks a Father"
"The Princess Nausicaa" and "I am Odysseus, the Son of Laertes"
Reading Log
Tuesday, November 27th:
Vocabulary Unit 3 will be due today
Vocabulary Handout
"The Wind God", "The Battle of the Cicones" and "Polyphemus, the Cylcops"
Reading Log
Wednesday, November 28th:
Vocabulary Handout
"Circes the Enchantress", "The Land of the Dead", "Back to Circes the Enchantress"
Thursday. November 29th:
Vocabulary Handout
"The Sirens", "Scylla and Charybdis", "The Land of Helios"
Friday, November 30th:
Vocabulary Handout
"The Isle of Calypso"
"The Return of the Hero"