November 13, 2012 - November 16, 2012
Weekly Schedule for 9th Grade English Honors
Tuesday, November 13th:
Read THE TROJAN WAR, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4
Wednesday, November 14th:
Begin reading THE ODYSSEY
"A Son Searches for His Father"
"The Princess Nausicaa"
Reading Logs
Thursday, November 15th:
Write five sentences with adverbial clauses using five words from your Vocabulary Unit 2 list.
"The Wind God", "The Battle of the Cicones", "The Enchantress Circes"
Reading Logs
Friday, November 16th:
Sentence Combining with Adverbial Clauses: this will be due on Monday, November 27th.
Vocabulary Unit 3 will be assigned; this will be due on Tuesday, November 28th.
"The Enchantress Circes"; draw a picture of Circes' Cave
Reading Logs
Monday, November 12, 2012
November 5, 2012 - November 9, 2012 Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade Honors English
November 5, 2012 - November 9, 2012
Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade Honors English
Monday, November 5th:
Break into groups to work on "Propaganda Assignment"
Tuesday, November 6th:
Begin presentations of "Propaganda Assignments"
"Name Calling" and "Glittering Generalities"
Josine, Justin, Pamela, Isabel
"Band Wagon" and "Plain Folk"
David, Vickie, Renatta, Janella, Amanda
"Transfer" and "Glittering Generalities"
Karina, Robert, Chris Ackey, Daniel, Elizabeth
"Name Calling" and "Snob Appeal"
Mayra, Melissa, Jerry, Karla, Chris
Wednesday, November 7th:
In-class rewrite of Persuasive Essay on "Teen Driving"
Thursday, November 8th:
Finish rewrite of the Persuasive Essay on "Teen Driving"
Due at the end of the period
Friday, November 9th:
Go over answers to questions on Unit 2 Vocabulary homework
Watch "The Odyssey"!
Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade Honors English
Monday, November 5th:
Break into groups to work on "Propaganda Assignment"
Tuesday, November 6th:
Begin presentations of "Propaganda Assignments"
"Name Calling" and "Glittering Generalities"
Josine, Justin, Pamela, Isabel
"Band Wagon" and "Plain Folk"
David, Vickie, Renatta, Janella, Amanda
"Transfer" and "Glittering Generalities"
Karina, Robert, Chris Ackey, Daniel, Elizabeth
"Name Calling" and "Snob Appeal"
Mayra, Melissa, Jerry, Karla, Chris
Wednesday, November 7th:
In-class rewrite of Persuasive Essay on "Teen Driving"
Thursday, November 8th:
Finish rewrite of the Persuasive Essay on "Teen Driving"
Due at the end of the period
Friday, November 9th:
Go over answers to questions on Unit 2 Vocabulary homework
Watch "The Odyssey"!