
Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29, 2012 9th Grade Honors English

October 29, 2012 - November 2, 2012
Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade Honors English

Monday, October 29th:
Review district assessment essay
For homework: please watch, or listen, or read political campaign ads.  Try to identify some of the techniques used to get people to vote a certain way. 

Tuesday, October 30th:
Pass out Seven Techniques of Propaganda
Each group will prepare one presentation based on one of the seven techniques of propaganda
The group will explain what it is; give examples and then prepare a brief skit giving an example of the type of propaganda used. 

Wednesday, October 31st:
Please bring your HOLT HANDBOOK; "Adverbial Clauses"; page 104; exercise 4; this assignment will be due on Friday, November 2nd. 
Read Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven"
Continue working on the propaganda skits.

Thursday, November 1st:
Warm-up: Write three sentences with adverbial clauses using three vocabulary words from Unit 2.
Begin presenting your Propaganda skits

Friday, November 2nd:
Warm-up: Write three sentences with adverbial clauses using three vocabulary words from Unit 2.
Finish presenting your Propaganda skits
Your HOLT HANDBOOK assignment is due today.