Friday, April 08, 2011
APRIL 11, 2011 - APRIL 15, 2011
Monday, April 11th:
Go over Act 1 handout on vocabulary, blank verse and iambic pentameter
Watch Act 1 of ROMEO and JULIET
Tuesday, April 12th:
Shortened day!
You will be broken into groups and given a selection of Act 1, Scene 5 to act out.
Unit 7 Vocabulary will be assigned today. This will be due on Monday, April 25th.
Wednesday, April 13th
The Noun Clause Handout will be given to you today. This will be due on Tuesday, April 26th.
Make masks and learn a dance for ROMEO and JULIET!
Thursday, April 14th:
Please bring your HOLT HANDBOOK to class today; pages 109 – 111, exercise 6 will be assigned. This will be due on Wednesday, April 27th.
Perform your scenes today!
Friday, April 15th:
Test over Act 1
Your Act 1 vocabulary, blank verse and iambic pentameter handout will be due today.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
April 4, 2011 - April 8, 2011 Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade English
APRIL 4, 2011 – APRIL 8, 2011
Monday, April 4th
Unit 6 Vocabulary Jeopardy!
Read and act out Act 1, scene 3 of ROMEO and JULIET
Tuesday, April 5th:
Regular Schedule!
Iambic Pentameter/Prose and Poetry Handouts
Read and act out Act 1, scene 4 of ROMEO and JULIET
Analyze “Queen Mab” speech by Mercutio; divide into groups of three and choose one scene from the speech to act out.
For homework tonight: Select four scenes from the speech to illustrate; then write the lines underneath as captions. This will be due on Thursday, April 7th.
Wednesday, April 6th:
Please bring your HOLT HANDBOOK:
Pages 106, 107, 108; exercise 5 and Review A will be assigned today and will be due on Monday, April 11th.
Read and act out Act 1, Scene 5 of ROMEO and JULIET
Break into groups of five and select a portion of Scene 5 which you will perform in front of the class.
We will learn a dance and perform it to music as part of the performance of Act 1, Scene 5
Thursday, April 7th:
Perform Act 1, Scene 5 of ROMEO and JULIET
Friday, April 8th:
Review for Act 1 test over ROMEO and JULIET