September 15th - 19th
Weekly Schedule
for 9th Grade English
Monday, September 15th:
Read excerpt from Isabel Allende’s Paula.
“Memory Log”: Step backwards in time and create a memory bank of your experiences. Write about an accident you experienced, a trip you took, your first______________; a secret, a special place you know of or you go to, a family story everyone shares around the dinner table or at family gatherings.
Story descriptions: Go through the excerpt again, circle and write about three very strong descriptive phrases. Write about the feelings, the image, the thoughts the descriptions arouse in you as you read.
Sensory description chart: Write down three or four more phrases and write the effect the phrases have on the meaning of the passage.
Tuesday, September 16th:
Shortened Day:
If we receive our books today, then pages 4 - 15, exercises 1 - 4 and exercises 6 - 9 in VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT will be assigned today. The homework will be due Tuesday, September 23rd.
Write a memoir about an event in your life. This memoir will be due on Thursday, September 18th. The memoir should be two pages long, typed or neatly written and is about an important or memorable moment in your life.
Wednesday, September 17th:
Read “The Sniper”
Work on “The Sniper” vocabulary and grammar packet.
Thursday, September 18th:
Discussion of point of view and irony.
Irony exercise: Three improvs showcasing the different types of irony: situational, verbal, dramatic.
Point of view exercise: Share with a partner a conflict you had with another; then write about the incident - BUT THIS TIME FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THE OTHER PERSON INVOLVED IN THE INCIDENT.
Friday, September 19th:
Break into groups and rewrite the story from the point of view one of the following characters: the old woman, the other sniper, the driver of the tank, the soldier in the tank who speaks to the old woman, omniscient.