JUNE 18TH, 2007
Monday, June 18th - Friday, June 22nd:
1st, 3rd and 5th Periods:
Your notebooks are due today! You will not have time to work on them in class. They are due at the beginning of class.
1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th Periods:
For the rest of this week in order to get a passing grade for each day you must:
Break into your groups
Read ten pages of your book
Write at least a half page summary of what you have read
Write a reflection of what you have read
Find three vocabulary words and write the definition for each word.
You may be given additional pages to read at home. If you are given additional reading at night, then you are expected to write a half page summary, a reflection and three vocabulary words and definitions, which you will turn into me the next day. This will be factored into your final grade and may determine whether some of you pass the class. Good luck! Don’t slack off now. The end is almost here.
We must be finished with the books by Monday, June 25th.
Two small handouts will be given to you on Monday. These are reviews over conjunctions and your favorite - adjective clauses! These will be due on Wednesday, June 20th.
Your final will be a project over the book you are reading in class. You may choose to do a:
script in which you direct others or in which you also act
short film with an accompanying script
or an interpretive dance piece with music and lines taken from the book.
If you choose to do an interpretive dance, it may dramatize the entire book or important scene(s) from the book. You must have a dance outline or a script (complete with music choices) and it must be at least five minutes in length. Other students may work with you on this. You may also be asked to repeat the piece again if it appears to be too “improvie”.
Please be aware that your reading logs for your book will be collected on the day of the final and will be factored into your final semester grade.