
Sunday, June 03, 2007

June 4, 2007
Weekly Schedule for
9th Grade English

Monday, June 4th:

1st Period:

Continue reading KINDRED.

3rd Period:

Begin reading NIGHT.

5th Period:

Continue reading The Diary of Anne Frank.

6th Period:

Your Ender’s Game essay is due today.
Begin reading Rolling Thunder, Hear My Cry.

Tuesday, June 5th:

All Classes:

Review grammar in preparation for District Assessment test.
Handout on Parallelism.

Continue reading your respective books.

Wednesday, June 6th:

All classes:

Assignment in your ENGLISH WORKSHOP books over parallelism. This will be due on Thursday, June 6th.

Continue reading your books.

Thursday, June 7th:

All classes:

Continue reading your books.

1st Period:

Write five sentences with adverbial clauses using five of your vocabulary words from pages 126 - 127: irrevocable, impunity, irreconcilable, immature, illegible.

Read pages 73 - 84 in KINDRED. Write a half page summary and three vocabulary words: polyester, attic, rampant.

3rd Period:

ENGLISH WORKSHOP, pages 85 - 86; Parallel Construction; this will be due on Tuesday, June 12th.

Holocaust Handouts: "The Rise of Anti-Semitism".


6TH Period:

Today we are going to see a production of A CHORUS LINE.

Friday, June 8th:

Continue reading your books.