Tuesday, May 30th:
I hope we are all refreshed from our wonderful three day weekend. Today you will be given some time to work together in your groups on your Romeo and Juliet rewrites.
I changed the due date for your reading log for Romeo and Juliet - surprise! It’s due today! But if you’ve been doing all along what I have suggested, it shouldn’t be a problem. You’ve been working on it every day we’ve been reading the play so it should be finished. Right? Right! So turn in your reading log today.
Today I will check out Ender’s Game to first and second period. Please read the first chapter tonight.
To Kill a Mockingbird will be checked out to fourth period today. Please read the first chapter tonight.
Wednesday, May 31:
Today we will begin presenting our scenes. After you do your scene you will turn your script into me - one per group.
We will begin reading and working on our new books - Enders Game for first and second period, and To Kill a Mockingbird for fourth period.
Thursday, June 1st:
Finish up the scenes today. Your Romeo and Juliet essay and Acts 1 - 5 packets will be due today.
Continue reading our books plus do our reading logs!
Friday, June 2nd:
First and Second Period:
Please bring your English Workshop; we will go over gerunds; pages 149 - 150; exercises 9 and 10. This will be due on Tuesday, June 6th.
Continue reading Ender’s Game
Fourth Period:
We will go over gerunds; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 - 9 in English Workshop;
this will be due on Tuesday, June 6th.