Good morning, scholars! Hope you had a nice, fun-filled and restful weekend. Things are going to be in flux a bit this week because much will depend on what we accomplish on Monday and Tuesday.
Monday, March 28th:
We will finish the “Pacing Plan Expository Composition Test” either today or Tuesday. My guess is that we will finish on Tuesday.
For homework:
The beloved grammar! Handout from Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition; Sentence Fragments; pages 37 & 38; exercise 9. This will be due on Wednesday, March 30th.
Tuesday, March 29th:
Finish the Expository Composition test.
Pass back your expository compositions. Remember last semester when we entered our essays into the Vantage Program? Well, we’re going to do that again this semester as soon as a time is arranged for us to go into the lab. So hang onto your essay, okay?
Review pages 37 - 38 in Vocabulary for the High School Students in preparation for a small take-home mini-test over the words on pages 37 - 38 on Thursday, March 31st. The test must be brought back on Friday, April 1st.
Wednesday, March 30th:
Go over the homework for today, the “Sentence Fragment” handout; pages 37 - 38; exercise 9.
Begin Shakespeare - finally! Today we are going to break up into teams and hurl Shakespearean insults at each other! Sounds like fun, huh? Then, we are going to find out just who Mr. Shakespeare was and the amazing gift he gave to the English language.
Thursday, March 31st:
Take home test on the vocabulary words, pages 37 - 38;
Watch the opening scene in both film versions of the story, Romeo and Juliet.
A fun little exercise using the lines from the opening scene. Read and act out the first scene in Romeo and Juliet.
Friday, April 1st:
Collect last night's homework, the mini, take-home vocabulary test over pages 37 - 38.
Another grammar homework assignment due Tuesday, April 5th; “Complements”, handout of pages 39 and 40 in Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition. (This isn't from your textbook. It's from another book and I will give you the handout from the book.)
Worksheet on metaphors, similes, personifications and imagery in Act 1 in Romeo and Juliet.
Continue reading and acting out Romeo and Juliet.